
Is this reality or are we all living in a dream...sweat blood and tears are common factors in each individuals life, Am I any different?

Thursday, April 27, 2006


I was reading the Nation last night as I have moved my study sessions to the early AM's in the library and I was in shock as to the things Mps ask for... to add insult to injury.. ati the mps want a lump sum of I dont know how much at the end of their term i.e a gratuity for services rendered to the kenyan public!!!! what services???? I dint know theft was a govt appointed service!

whats the point of getting a university education these days while u can be a form 4 drop out and become an Mp who makes himself self tons money from the govt and as if that money is not enough engages shady deals that steal more money from the kenyan people!

The worst thing though has to be that all this money is tax free! yup clean no tax man on your back! so from the govt straight to their already fat pockets! Yurk!


  • At 2:08 PM, Blogger kipepeo said…

    yes sad sad day indeed. lol at theft being a government recognised service!! University education, high school education, heck you don't need any of those...perfect example is our minister of DEFENCE!!! Have you heard him attempt giving a speech in english?? 'nuff said! But its cool, he still gets his millions at the end of the day, so who cares if he is literate right?

  • At 1:01 AM, Blogger Stunuh Jay said…

    SO...what are we going to do about it? lie low like an envelope and take it up the rear? I'm a definite passivist but sometimes, I'd just like to smak them a good one! A real Kapow... like in the comic books! Gonga their heads together, or book them in at Mathare

  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger Machozi said…

    @ stunuh: I really wish i could figure out how to stop all this Mp madness slap em, a good kick in the backside! somehow I know appealing to them by email wont really do much..since they dont really care about us anyway

    @Kips: as long as u can read the balance in your account you can pay someone to do everything else.. ama?


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